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Writer's pictureChristopher Gibbons

11 Secret Copywriting Tips Guaranteed to Help You Sell More in 2023

Fun fact: I started out as a digital copywriter in London way back in 2007. My first job was at an agency based in Camden, a part of town where skinny jeans were mandatory and you stuck out like a sore thumb if you weren’t in a generic guitar band called ‘The [Something]’.

At that point, the world wasn’t quite as data-driven as it is today. Bizarre as it may seem, the articles we wrote were based almost entirely on editorial nous. If it read well and your boss liked it, that was all that mattered. And while stats such as page views, site visits and click-throughs sounded scientific and interesting, we didn’t really pay too much attention.

But times changed pretty quickly. Fast forward to 2023 and digital copywriters like me aren’t only judged on our ability to create content that’s readable and interesting; it’s also vital that our work compels people to take measurable action. And that’s not always as easy as it sounds.

So, for people involved in digital marketing, or anyone else who’s interested, I thought I’d spill a few of the secrets I’ve learned to writing persuasive copy. From the powerful words that get results every time, to the tricks for crafting the ultimate headline, these 11 secret copywriting tips are guaranteed to improve your marketing comms in 2023 — and will almost certainly help you or your clients sell more.

11 Secret copywriting tips guaranteed to help you sell more in 2023

Consider this list your editorial cheat sheet. Whether you’re a beginner or an award-winning digital copywriter in London, getting these copywriting tips down is sure to turbocharge your marketing comms…

1. Hone your headline

Ok, this might sound like it’s straight out of copywriting 101. But trust me, the headline is the most important part of your copy (see also: email subject line). It's what grabs your reader's attention and makes them want to keep reading — and I have been known to spend hours crafting one. In all honesty, I could write an entire series of blogs just on headlines (and maybe I will someday). But for now, here are a few quick tips:

  • Tell the reader exactly what’s in it for them — how will they benefit from your content?

  • Include numbers: numbered articles or listicles (like this one) are good for SEO, shareable, and let readers know how much time they need to invest in the blog.

  • The ideal headline is 12 words and 70 characters in length.

  • Make it impactful by using power words (more on them later).

  • Run it through a headline checker like this one.

  • If in doubt, test different options.

Use these tips and you’ll have your foot wedged firmly in your readers’ doors.

2. Be clear and concise

I can’t overstate the importance of this one. Studies have shown that people now have shorter attention spans than goldfish so they don't want to read a load of fluff. Keep your copy clear and concise. Get to the point quickly, and use simple, straightforward language. Avoid jargon, buzzwords, and complex sentences.

3. Know your audience

If you want to persuade your audience to take action, you first need to know about them. Who are you writing for? What are their pain points and motivations? What do they care about? When you know your audience, you can write copy that speaks directly to them and addresses their needs.

4. Focus on ONE call to action

What’s the one thing you want your audience to do as a result of reading your copy? Have the call to action (CTA) in mind from the outset, whether it's ‘Buy now’, ‘Sign up today’, or ‘Learn more’. Focus on one, and keep it clear and compelling.

5. 99.9% of the best writers use social proof

People are more likely to believe and trust something if they see others doing it. That's why social proof is so powerful. You can use social proof in your copy by including customer testimonials, reviews, or statistics that show how many people have already taken the action you're trying to persuade your audience to take.

6. List benefits, not features

Your potential customers don’t care about the features of your product or service — they want to know what it can do for them. That's why it's important to focus on the benefits in your copy. Show your audience how your product or service can solve their problems, make their lives easier, and make them happier.

7. Hurry! You’ll miss out!

People are more likely to take action if they feel like they need to act now. That's why creating a sense of urgency is so effective. You can do this by offering a limited-time discount, highlighting the scarcity of your product or service, or by showing the negative consequences of not taking action right now.

8. Power up your copy

The secret to writing ridiculously popular copy that gives you dazzling audience statistics and instantly supercharges sales figures? Power words. These are words such as heartwarming, genius, massive, instantly and hilarious that evoke emotion and trigger curiosity. Use these strategically throughout your copy to add punch and persuasiveness. For more info, watch the spellbinding video below.

9. Test and measure

Ok, I’ll admit: I’ve been a digital copywriter in London for nearly two decades, and yet I don’t always know if my copy is going to land well. On the occasions when I’m unsure, I’ll test and measure it. You can A/B test different headlines, offers, and calls to action to see what works best. Use analytics to track the performance of your copy, and make adjustments as needed.

10. Are you sitting comfortably?

Stories aren’t just for children at bedtime — adults can’t get enough of them either. So if you can present your message in the form of a story, it’s guaranteed to live longer in the memory. Use storytelling in your copy to create an emotional connection with your reader. Use anecdotes, examples, and human case studies to illustrate your points.

11. Objection, your honour!

People are naturally skeptical, and it’s likely they’ll have objections to almost any offer. Try to address any potential stumbling blocks head-on in your copy. By acknowledging issues and offering solutions up front, your sales pitch will be far more persuasive.

Take these copywriting tips and sell more in 2023!

In conclusion, crafting compelling copy that sells can be challenging, but these copywriting tips are a great place to start. By following my expert pointers, from creating powerful headlines to overcoming customer objections, you'll be able to write copy that not only captures your readers' attention but also persuades them to take action.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced writer who's here for a quick refresher, these tips will help turbocharge your marketing comms in 2023 and beyond. So, go ahead and put these tips into practice, and watch your sales figures soar!

Looking to hire an experienced digital copywriter in London?

I’ve spent the last 16 years working as a digital copywriter in London’s top agencies, working on campaigns for big-name brands such as Adidas, BT Sport, Channel 4 and Tesco. Got a project you’d like to discuss? Drop me a line on

Quick list: 11 secret copywriting tips guaranteed to help you sell more in 2023

  1. Hone your headline by being clear, concise, and specific.

  2. Keep your copy clear and concise to match shorter attention spans.

  3. Know your audience to write copy that speaks directly to them.

  4. Focus on one call to action that is clear and compelling.

  5. Use social proof such as customer testimonials to increase trust.

  6. List benefits, not features, to show how your product or service solves problems.

  7. Create a sense of urgency by highlighting scarcity or offering limited-time deals.

  8. Use power words strategically to add punch and persuasiveness to your copy.

  9. Test and measure your copy, A/B testing different elements to see what works best.

  10. Use storytelling to create an emotional connection with your reader.

  11. Address objections head-on by acknowledging issues and offering solutions up front.

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